When signing in to ArcGIS Pro, I get an error. Help!

When starting or signing in to ArcGIS Pro, an "ArcGIS Sign In" error window appears, saying "Unable to establish connection to https://www.arcgis.com/" or a similar URL. Clicking "OK" then opens a Licensing screen.


Beginning on April 16, 2019, ArcGIS Online began accepting connections only using TLS 1.2. For full details of this change, please visit Esri Support.

If you are receiving this error message, it is likely that you need to update your internet settings.

  1. Ensure that Windows is up to date by checking for system updates.
  2. After updating your computer, open Internet Explorer (not Microsoft Edge or another browser).
  3. In the Internet Explorer menu bar, go to Tools > Internet Options
    1. If the menu bar is not showing, do Alt+T to show the Tools drop-down, then select Internet Options.
  4. In the Internet Options window that appears, go to the Advanced tab.
  5. Under Settings, find Use TLS 1.2 and ensure that the box is checked.Ensure Use TLS 1.2 is checked, then click Apply.
  6. Click Apply, then close the Internet Options window.
  7. Close all windows of ArcGIS Pro and restart it. You should be prompted to log in normally. 

If the error message that you initially received has a URL other than https://www.arcgis.com/take the following additional steps:

  1. After following the steps above and logging in to ArcGIS Pro, navigate to Settings Licensing, then click on the Configure your licensing options box.
  2. In the licensing window that appears, ensure that the License Type listed in the top drop-down is "Named User License."
  3. Under "Configure your licensing options," select "ArcGIS Online" and enter https://www.arcgis.com/ into the URL field.
  4. Click OK. You may need to log in to ArcGIS Pro again.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Electronic Resources & Serials Unit.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2023
  • Views 1610
  • Answered By Megan Martinsen

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