Does the library have a subscription to The Washington Post?


As of 2023 the library has obtained access to The Washington Post. See our guide page in the News & Commentary Research Guide for information on how to access the Post and what's included in our subscription. Below are answers to FAQs about this subscription.

You can access the Post two ways:

  • IP access -- like our other Library databases, you can either go to the Post from an on-campus computer or through the proxy server. (Lean Library makes IP access to the Post particularly easy.) 
  • Or, Sign up for a free Washington Post account with your address.
    • A free WaPo account allows off-campus access without having to go through the proxy server.
    • For WaPo app access, signing up for a free WaPo account is required. 

When signing up for a WaPo account, you'll need to "activate free digital access." 

If you're familiar with the Post's website, find and click Account Settings, then My Subscriptions. This should bring up a button to "Activate Free Digital Access." 

What if I already have a account?

  • If a patron is using their email address for their WaPo account, they should follow the directions above to activate their GU-provided access. They can then decide if they want to subsequently cancel their personal subscription.
  • If a patron is using a different email (=their personal email), we recommend signing up for a new account with their email.

We continue to offer access to historical Washington Post articles through a variety of databases (Factiva, ProQuest, etc). 


  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2024
  • Views 875
  • Answered By Kim MacVaugh

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