How can I find primary sources online?


Depending on what you are looking for, there are several options for locating primary sources online.

  • You can find links to online primary sources in many of our history research guides.
  • If you are looking for historical newspaper articles, you can find these a couple of different ways. You can do a search on HoyaSearch on the main library website and use the filters on the left side to limit your results to ‘newspapers and magazines,’ then limit your date range to the time period you are researching. You can also use this news and commentary research guide to search available news-focused databases.
  • You can also check out: the Internet Archive and HathiTrust, both of which include primary source texts (note: be sure to log in when searching HathiTrust, so that you get full access to more e-books through Georgetown University).
  • You can also reach out to a subject librarian or to a Booth Special Collections librarian/archivist to schedule a research consultation and discuss your questions more in-depth.


  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2024
  • Views 508
  • Answered By

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