How do I access Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) content?
To access Linguistic Data Consortium content, users must register an account with LDC using their Georgetown University email and have their account verified by Georgetown Library staff.
To create an account and have it verified, please complete the following steps:
Navigate to the user login page.
Select Create a New Account.
On the Welcome to LDC page, select Accept if you agree with the user type screen.
On the New User Registration page, use your GU email, and select Georgetown University Library on the Organization drop down menu. (Note: do not select Georgetown University Medical Center). Populate the rest of the form with your personal information for each of the required elements.
Once complete, select Create.
After your Guest account is created, you will receive a confirmation email from LDC with a URL link to confirm your account. (Check your spam filter if you did not receive an email).
For more information on User statuses in LDC, please see their website.
If you have any questions about this process, or would like to check the status of your account, please don't hesitate to reach out. Contact the Electronic Resources & Serials Unit.