How do I download an E-book?

I found a ebook and would like to download it.


Some (not all) of our ebooks can be downloaded to your computer or mobile. Each book vendor/publisher has their own process (see our Using E-Books LibGuide), but this FAQ entry provides some general guidance:

Do you need to download the entire book?

  • Can you read online? Most ebooks can be read online, usually through links to individual chapters on the book's webpage. If you have a stable Internet connection, we strongly recommend reading online vs. downloading; reading takes place in the browser so there's no need for special software.
  • Are you reading the entire book, or just a few chapters? Many ebooks allow several pages (usually a chapter or two) to be downloaded as an unrestricted PDF, which is yours to keep indefinitely. Downloading the entire book usually means temporary access to the book (usually between 1 week and 21 days, although sometimes shorter or longer).

Install Adobe Digital Editions or other software

Most Library e-books download as "locked PDFs" that require Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), a free extension to Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can find more information about installing and using Adobe Digital Editions in our E-Books LibGuide. ADE is pre-installed on Library computers.

We also suggest establishing an Adobe ID, a free account with Adobe. ADE often will ask for your Adobe ID in order to "open" an ebook. 

Some vendors require other software instead of ADE, especially for mobile devices. 

Sign up for an account ID (some publishers/vendors)

Some ebook vendors require you to sign up for an account on their ebook system. This is a separate account from your GU NetID and password. 

Start with HoyaSearch, the Library Catalog

You can find e-books in a lot of places...but we may not have access to them, or the publisher's system may not recognize you as a Georgetown user. The easiest way to see the ebooks available through the Library is to use HoyaSearch, the Library Catalog

Once you find the ebook you want, you'll be able to click the full-text link (if available), and start reading or downloading!

Have additional questions, or need more help? 

Consult our E-Book LibGuide or contact E-Resources. We'd be happy to help you with the reading and/or downloading process.


  • Last Updated Apr 19, 2024
  • Views 1099
  • Answered By John Kimbrough

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