How do I access Georgetown theses and dissertations?


We have several ways to provide access to GU theses and dissertations:

  • DigitalGeorgetown, our institutional repository, provides access to many GU-authored PhD dissertations. DG also includes master's theses, when submitted. Generally these are from recent graduates.
  • ProQuest Theses and Dissertations is a large archive of dissertations from GU and other universities. Only PhD dissertations, no master's papers. Only available to current GU students and faculty.
  • Dissertation Express from ProQuest/UMI allows unaffiliated scholars to order a print or PDF copy of a dissertation. Prices are $40 and up, depending on format. If you are not a current GU student/faculty, this is a good (if expensive) way to get a dissertation.
  • HoyaSearch, the Library's catalog, can be used to search for print copies of older dissertations.  Almost all print dissertations are housed in off-site storage and will need to be requested in advance of a campus visit.
  • Last Updated Jun 17, 2024
  • Views 410
  • Answered By

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