I returned a book that I checked out but I got an email from you , which says the book considered to be lost. I'm positive that I returned it?


Each book is checked back into the library twice, but occasionally mistakes occur. If you believe you returned a book that still shows on your record, please fill out a "Patron Claims Returned" form (PCR). This will freeze any fines that might be accumulating and will initiate a search. 

Our staff will complete a minimum of 5 searches for the item over the course of two weeks from the date your claim is received. You will be notified via email if the item is found, or if further steps are needed to resolve the matter. Patron claimed-returned/not-checked-out (PCR/PCNC) materials must remain on your account throughout the search process and you will continue to receive automatic overdue notices.

While the library looks for the book, we ask that you do the following:

  • Search once more in your office, car, home, study carrel, etc. for the item.
  • If possible, check in the stacks in the library to see if the item was reshelved. Our staff searches for missing materials on a regular basis, but your help may expedite the process.
  • Request receipts of return for all materials returned to the Library.
  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2024
  • Views 703
  • Answered By Lauinger Reference

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